The special offer is valid for:
excl VAT monthly
One package, one price, many possibilities.
Professional website from our template | In package |
SEO standards (Google, Bing) | In package |
Domain / .uk / .com | In package |
Hosting with SSL certificate | In package |
Technical and design updates | In package |
new Email address up to 1GB | In package |
Stock photos (optional) | In package |
Marketing advice | In package |
Unlimited support | In package |
Additional services
Professional logo | from £149 excl VAT / one-time |
SEO copywriting | from £99 excl VAT / one-time |
Google Ads campaign (service charge) | from £149 excl VAT monthly |
Hosting, updates and care (for non-Templed website) | from £29 excl VAT monthly |
new Additional email storage space (1GB) | £0.50 excl VAT monthly |